Live From Indianapolis VII Live From Indianapolis VII

Well, it’s over and we are heading home. Thanks be to God. Looking back on General Convention as a whole, this is how I would sum it u...

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Teaching Ideas and Tips Teaching Ideas and Tips

Every day I share ideas and teaching tips. As you may know, there are some authentication issues with Diigo and blogger, so here's today...

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keep your feet on the ground, and keep reachin' for the stars keep your feet on the ground, and keep reachin' for the stars

Oh Casey Kasem. You were the Confucius of our time. Now we are stuck with Ryan Seacrest. But this is a (worthy) discussion for another time....

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Planning to teach from A to Z Planning to teach from A to Z

As you plan to create a place of teaching and learning, think through these aspects of your classroom. I've shared some important points...

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