30 Days of Web Tools: #10 Use Pinterest as a classroom resource 30 Days of Web Tools: #10 Use Pinterest as a classroom resource

Submitted by Fiona Beal Pinterest is one of those social networking programmes that everybody is talking about. It is one of those applicati...

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30 days of webtools: #9: Create PDFs from webpages using the Chrome Extension ‘Send to Google Docs” 30 days of webtools: #9: Create PDFs from webpages using the Chrome Extension ‘Send to Google Docs”

Recently I was faced with a problem. Some of the Constant Contact newsletter links that I had placed on the blog no longer worked…they had e...

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30 Days of Web tools: #8: Use Mergely to edit and compare documents 30 Days of Web tools: #8: Use Mergely to edit and compare documents

Have you ever tried to open two documents to compare them? You wish you could see immediately what changes you have already made? Comparing,...

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30 Days of Web tools: #7: Use Tweetchat to take part in Twitter discussions 30 Days of Web tools: #7: Use Tweetchat to take part in Twitter discussions

All it took was a set date, a topic, and a hashtag, namely #edchatsa . SA teachers who were on Twitter were then notified that a tweetchat f...

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30 Days of Web tools: #6: Make Wordclouds using Wordle or Tagxedo 30 Days of Web tools: #6: Make Wordclouds using Wordle or Tagxedo

What are Wordclouds? Wordclouds are such fun to use in the classroom, especially when it comes to vocabulary building. Basically, using a wo...

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30 days of Web Tools:#5: Create your own multimedia Qwiki 30 days of Web Tools:#5: Create your own multimedia Qwiki

I first read about this tool ( http://www.qwiki.com/ ) on the blog of The Educational Technology Guy, who found out about it at a Teacheet ...

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30 days of Web Tools: #4: Curating with Paper.li 30 days of Web Tools: #4: Curating with Paper.li

Submitted by Fiona Beal Have you discovered, like me, that Twitter is a very beneficial way of learning from a  PLN (Personal Learning Commu...

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30 days of Web Tools: #3: Vocaroo.com and other great free online audio recorders 30 days of Web Tools: #3: Vocaroo.com and other great free online audio recorders

The Internet has a wonderful array of free online recorders that can be very useful in a classroom. In this post I will mention seven of th...

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30 days of Web Tools:  #1: Use Storify.com to capture a tweetchat 30 days of Web Tools: #1: Use Storify.com to capture a tweetchat

Today sees the start of a series called “30 days of Web Tools” where I plan to either focus on a single Web Tool that could interest teache...

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Using Storify.com to summarise a tweetchat from #edchatsa Using Storify.com to summarise a tweetchat from #edchatsa

Submitted by Fiona Beal #edchatsa is the hashtag for our weekly twitter chat for South African teachers on topics of educational interest. ...

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